Exxon Graftekif(typeof ez_ad_units == 'undefined'){ez_ad_units=[];}ez_ad_units.push([[250,
2023-12-06 08:05
One of the big names. In the 60's and early 70's many of the worlds top racers rode Masi frames - or frames that were built by Masi and labeled something else. Merckx is among the famous who rode Masi bikes. From the 50's up to the late 60's, Masi bikes were called specials. Lugwork was often rather plain - long point lugs without cutouts. During the 60's, some examples are known to have used Nervex professional lugs. By the late 50's or early 60's, Faliero Masi probably ceased building frames personally.

Bikes that can identified as having been built by Masi himself should probably fetch prices well into the $3000 to $4000 range. It is known that in the early 50's, some Masi frames actually have a card signed by Faliero himself placed in the bottom bracket. It is unknown that if this means that Masi himself built the frame. Masi bikes from the early 50's are certainly worth around $3000 in guideline condition.

Bikes from the mid-to-late 50's through the mid 60's in guideline condition should be worth $2000 to $3000. Late 60's Masi Specials start looking a lot like Gran Criterium models - such bikes are certainly worth $2000 plus. Late 60's through early 70's Italian Gran Criterium models are worth around $1500 to $2000.

In late 1972 Faliero Masi along with some of his best builders (Mario Confente) moved to California and started building frames in Carlsbad. Most of these bikes were wonderful, a few were a bit sloppy but still extraordinary. The 1973 California Masi bikes often had a gorgeous twin plate fork crown. From 1973 until 1976 the Carlsbad facility continued to produce wonderful frames. Faliero Masi visited once in awhile, but the facility was in the competent hands of Mario Confente. Bikes from this period are worth around $1250 in guideline condition.

From late 1976 through the late 70's, California Masi frames were constructed by various builders. Think of it - some frames were constructed by the likes of Albert Eisentraut! During these years of relative turmoil, quality ranged from real nice to downright spectacular. Because of the variability, N.R. bikes of this era should be worth around $900 to a $1000. By the late 70's, Ted Kurkbride took over the helm of Masi Califronia and did a wonderful job. Up until the mid 80's, his shop produced frames in the spirit of the Italian master but with the crispness of an American custom. These bikes N.R. equipped are probably worth around $900 in guideline condition.

Note that during the years of California Masi, Faliero's son Alberto continued to build in Italy. In fact, despite the well publicized rift between them, Faliero is known to have hung out at what became Albertos' shop at the Vigorelli [velodrome.] The Gran Criterium frames built under Alberto in Italy don't seem to have the crispness that the California bikes have. Such bikes are probably worth several hundred dollars less than their California counterparts. In the late 70's with the advent of cast lugs, Alberto launched a new bike frame, the Prestige. These frames never came into the U.S legally since California Masi owned the distribution rights to the Masi name. Masi Prestige frames with S.R. parts are probably worth around $1000 in guideline condition. Their value here is a bit higher as a result of their scarcity.

During the early 80's the Volumetrica frame [oversized tubing, internal lugs] was developed and produced in Italy, and actually sold by Masi California. These bikes are very attractive and very stiff. A nice S.R. example is worth $1000 to $1100 or so in guideline condition.

The reason Masi bikes are such a big deal is twofold.

First, almost all are quite beautiful. A Masi Gran Criterium is a paradigm of Italian framebuilding (even if done in the U.S).

Secondly, Masi frames almost without exception are great riding bikes. With so many varieties and twists in their production history, collectors have their work cut out for them!

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