下载 | 外交部+新华网266个双语热词汇总-24年6月
2024-11-14 21:43  浏览:126

下载 | 外交部+新华网266个双语热词汇总-24年6月



1.“有亮度、有速度、有力度” remarkable, rapid and strong
2.单边制裁、科技壁垒 unilateral sanctions and technological barriers
3.新型多边合作机制 a new type of multilateral cooperation mechanism
4.战略意义和政治效应 the strategic significance and political effects
5.务实合作 pragmatic cooperation
6.“不容指摘” beyond reproach
7.发展理念相似、文化价值相通、国际主张相近 have similar visions for development, cultures, values and propositions in international affairs
8.互尊互信、互利互惠、互学互鉴 mutual respect and mutual trust, mutual benefit and mutual learning
9.“争先”精神 the spirit of “striving to be the first”
10.同舟共济 pull in the same direction
11.“内卷” “involution”
12.瓶颈期 a period of stagnation
13.脱颖而出 gained an edge
14.乘势而上 harness the momentum
15.第十五届夏季达沃斯论坛 the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions
16.未来增长的新前沿 Next Frontiers for Growth
17.正视 confront
18.增长困境 growth predicament
19.疫情冲击 impact of the pandemic
20.通胀高企 high inflation
21.债务加剧 rising debt
22.“蓝海”变成了“红海” turning from blue to red oceans
23.逆全球化抬头 backlash against globalization
24.地缘冲突加剧 escalation of geopolitical conflicts
25.“风物长宜放眼量” “Range far your eye over long vistas.”
26.更高远的视野、更宽广的胸襟 a longer view and broader mind
27.已点亮星星之火 the sparks ignited across domains
28.人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)
29.绿色能源 green energy
30.生物医药 biomedicine
31.新领域新赛道 new domains and avenues
32.支柱产业 pillar industries
33.平台化、网络化、泛在化 platform-based operation, networked structure and ubiquitous presence
34.在线服务、反向定制、智能制造 online services, C2M customization, and smart manufacturing
35.呼之欲出、“化茧成蝶” metamorphosing and ready to burst onto the stage
36.加快发展新质生产力 accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces
37.培育壮大新动能 foster new drivers of growth
38.发展永无止境,探索亦无止境 Development has no limits. Exploration knows no boundary.
1.集装箱吞吐量 Container throughput
2.国际贸易 global trade
3.世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization
4.“涌入” flood
5.持续的技术创新 persistent tech innovation
6.完善的产供链体系 well-established industrial and supply chains
7.充分的市场竞争 full market competition
8.比较优势 comparative advantages
9.公平、透明、非歧视原则 the principles of fairness, transparency and non-discrimination
10.干预市场资源配置 intervene in the allocation of market resources
11.普惠保险高质量发展 high-quality development of inclusive insurance industries
12.普惠金融 inclusive finance
13.“损人不利己” do no one good
14.反噬自身 backfire
15.能源绿色低碳转型 green and low-carbon energy transition
16.标志性产品 a landmark product
17.经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions
18.共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观 common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security vision
19.“筑墙设垒” moves to build walls and set up obstacles
20.明辨是非 do the right thing
21.抵制胁迫 resist coercion
22.中国经济的强劲与开放 dynamism and openness of the Chinese economy
1.国家海洋考古博物馆 National museum of marine archaeology
2.水下文化遗产 underwater cultural heritage
3.文物保护 cultural relics conservation
4.文明对话国际日 International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations
5.文明交流互鉴 exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations
6.全球文明倡议 Global Civilization Initiative
1.全民健康素养提升三年行动方案 three-year action plan to further raise health literacy for all citizens
2.健康中国 healthy China
3.体育强国 a leading sporting nation
4.共享工厂 Shared factory
5.共享经济 sharing economy
6.预制菜 ready-made food
1.错上加错 compounded its mistake
2.无端指责 groundless accusation
3.互通有无、互利互惠 mutually beneficial
4.道路通则百业兴 Transport leads to prosperous industries
5.坚决惩戒 a resolute punitive response
6.纵容支持 connive at and support
7.正义之举 a just move
8.真面目 true identity
9.有错在先 acted wrongly first
10.撑腰打气 emboldening and supporting
11.坚如磐石 rock-solid
12.稳如泰山 “steady as Mount Tai”
13.全天候战略合作伙伴 all-weather strategic cooperative partners
14.中巴经济走廊 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
15.共商共建共享 extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits
16.唯我独尊 supremacy
17.互联互通 connectivity
18.对立对抗 antagonism and confrontation
19.一贯的、明确的 consistent and clear
20.越权管辖 exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires
21.枉法裁判 made an illegitimate ruling
22.完整性和权威性 integrity and authority
23.有识之士 fair-minded
24.非法官方接触 illegal official contacts
25.外部干涉势力 external interfering forces
26.钉在历史的耻辱柱上 nailed to the pillar of shame in history
27.从不从所谓的强势地位出发 never acts from the so-called position of strength
28.“克制的”限度 A ‘limit’ to restraint
29.“袖手旁观” sit idly by
30.拱火浇油、从中渔利 fueled the flames、profiteered from the conflict
31.谨言慎行 be prudent in words and deeds
32.完全是在炒作 a pure hype
33.寻找两国利益汇合点,深化利益交融 look for areas where our interests converge, deepen the integration of interests
34.制造事端 provocations
35.“背信弃义” go back on its word
36.好朋友、好同志、好兄弟 good friends, good comrades and good brothers
37.高水平运行 extraordinarily strong and robust
38.战略高度和长远角度 strategic height and long-term perspective
39.保护主义没有前途,开放合作才是正道 protectionism has no future, and open cooperation is the right way forward.
40.相互交融、深度互嵌 deeply integrated and mutually embedded
41.保护主义保护的是落后,失去的是未来 Protectionism protects nothing but backwardness with the future as its cost.
42.“跑出加速度” turbocharge
43.历史性扩员 a historic expansion
44.大金砖合作 greater BRICS cooperation
45.面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化 taken on a fresh look
46.人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind
47.“昭然若揭” Clearly
48.动荡不安、变乱交织 turbulence and transformation
49.单极霸权 unipolar hegemony
50.潮起南方、万象更新 the rise of the Global South and a world transformed like never before
51.沉默的大多数 silent majority
52.觉醒的新力量 a new awakened force
53.变局中开新局、在危机中育新机 open up new horizons on a shifting landscape and foster new opportunities amidst crises
54.团结才是正道,分裂没有出路 solidarity is the only right way forward and division will lead nowhere
55.开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢 open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all
56.应运而生 emerged from
57.共商共建共享的全球治理观 a global governance philosophy of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit
58.令人发指的 horrendous
59.惨无人道的 gruesome
60.滔天罪行 heinous crimes
61.铁证如山 solid proofs
62.无稽之谈 complete false
63.堆积如山 mounting issues
64.横加干涉、滥施制裁 interfering in their affairs and slapping sanctions
65.“机关算尽” calculations
66.“贻害无穷” create victims
67.人道惨剧 humanitarian tragedies
68.变本加厉 doubled down on
69.损人害己 benefit no one
70.经贸问题政治化 turning trade into political issues
71.经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions
72.破浪前行 brave headwinds and move forward
73.拱火递刀 fueling the fight
74.鼓动对抗 inciting confrontation
75.“口惠而实不至” only paid lip service
76.嘴上说的是规则和主义,心里装的却是利益和生意 keep talking about rules and principles, but all they think about is just profit and business
77.“作秀壮胆” stage a political show to embolden itself
78.色厉内荏的虚弱本质 seemingly strong moves only reveal its inward weakness
79.坚决反击惩戒 take resolute countermeasures against
80.飞蛾扑火 moths flying into the fire
81.闹腾得越凶灭亡得越快 The more aggressive they are, the faster they will end up in self-destruction
82.“擦亮眼睛” be clear-eyed
83.“陈词滥调” the same old false accusations
84.没有任何道义可言 no factual, legal or moral basis
85.充斥着傲慢、偏见与谎言 filled with arrogance, bias and falsehood
86.操控社交媒体 manipulated social media
87.毒害舆论环境 poison public opinion
88.抹黑他国形象 vilify other countries’image
89.供需两旺 strong supply and demand
90.炮制散布虚假信息 fabricating and disseminating disinformation
91.中国疫苗 Chinese-made vaccines
92.霸权和伪善 supremacy and hypocrisy
93.大国要有大的样子 A big country should behave in a manner befitting its status.
94.以意识形态和价值观划线 drawing lines along difference in ideology and values
95.唾弃 disdained and rejected
96.脱离了合作共赢的人间正道 no longer on the right path of win-win cooperation
97.“来之不易” hard-won
98.保持住、发展好 sustain and build
99.全面转圜 comprehensive turnaround
100.单方面免签 unilateral visa waiver
101.多次入境签证 multiple-entry visas
102.扩大共识 broaden consensus
103.化解分歧 resolve differences
104.共同进步 make progress together
105.强加于人 imposing on others
106.“麦克风外交” megaphone diplomacy
107.相向而行 work with somebody in the same direction
108.重拳整治 made tremendous efforts to fight
109.保持严打高压态势 remained tough on
110.“以失败告终” lead nowhere
111.以武谋独 seek independence through military build-up
112.颠倒黑白,倒打一耙 white black and falsely accusing
113.以心相交 treated each other with sincerity
114.交流互鉴 engaged in exchanges and mutual learning
115.保持密切高层交往 maintaining close high-level contacts
116.不断丰富两国全面战略伙伴关系内涵 enriching the substance of two countries’comprehensive strategic partnership
117.接二连三 frequent
118.海上侵权挑衅 infringement and provocation at sea
119.后果自负 the consequences shall be borne by the somebody
120.中流砥柱 a cornerstone
121.不可替代 an irreplaceable role
122.风雨同舟、携手同行 share weal and woe like passengers in the same boat
123.国际关系基本准则 basic norms in international relations
124.国际法基本原则 basic principles in international law
125.平等有序 equal and orderly
126.“相通则共进,相闭则各退” make progress through exchange and inter-connectivityand fall behind because of seclusion and closedness
127.科技革命 sci-tech revolution
128.产业革命 industrial transformation
129.滋扰盘查遣返 harass, interrogate, and deport
130.“寒蝉效应” a chilling effect
131.推动世界经济这艘巨轮驶入广阔蓝海 sail the giant ship of the world economy into a vast blue ocean
132.小院高墙圈不住对手的发展,只会困住自己的手脚 Resorting to the “small yard, high fence”approach cannot hold back the development of others; it only ends up constraining oneself.
133.干扰阻碍两国人文交流的不是中方,而是美方 It is the US, not China, that has disrupted and prevented cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.
134.美国在中国人民心目中的形象如何,根本上取决于美国自己 The image of the US in the eyes of the Chinese people is ultimately determined by the US itself.
1.绿色储粮技术 Green grain storage technologies
2.粮食仓储设施 grain storage facilities
3.国家粮食安全战略 national strategies for food security
4.嫦娥六号 Chang'e-6
5.月球背面 moon's far side /the far side of the moon
6.鹊桥二号中继星 Queqiao-2 relay satellite
7.南极—艾特肯盆地 South Pole-Aitken (SPA) Basin
8.月球背面预选着陆区 the designated landing area on the far side of the moon
9.月壤样品和月表岩石 lunar soil and rock samples
10.月球背面采样 collecting samples from the far side of the moon
11.科学探测任务 scientific exploration
12.深入人心 deep-rooted in the people
13.潜力巨大 enormous potential
14.前景光明 promising prospect for further growth
15.载荷专家 payload specialist
16.航天驾驶员 space pilots
17.选拔训练体系 selection and training system
18.世界智能产业博览会 World Intelligence Expo
19.智能产业 intelligent industry
20.算力 computing power
21.航空商用无人运输系统 Aerial commercial unmanned transport system
22.创新型国家 an innovative country
23.巡航速度 cruise speed
24.空地联运 air-ground transportation
25.超导量子计算机 Superconducting quantum computer
26.算力基础设施 computing power infrastructure
27.量子革命 quantum revolution
28.重复使用运载火箭 Reusable carrier rocket
29.全尺寸着陆缓冲系统 full-size landing buffer system
30.垂直软着陆 vertical soft landing
1.生态保护修复 Ecological conservation and restoration
2.世界环境日 World Environment Day
3.生态文明 ecological civilization
4.“三北”防护林体系工程 Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program
5.生态修复 ecological restoration
6.绿化覆盖率 green coverage ratio
7.国土绿化 land greening
8.“绿水青山就是金山银山” “green is gold”
9.丰富多样、源远流长的文明传承 unique and long civilizations
10.不同文明包容共存、交流互鉴 tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations
11.人类社会现代化进程 humanity’s modernization process
12.世界文明百花园 the garden of world civilizations
13.世界遗产保护 world heritage protection
14.自然文化遗产 natural and cultural heritage
15.永续利用 sustainable utilization
16.共守人类文明火种 jointly protect the treasures of human civilization
17.市场监管 market regulation
18.地理测绘 geographical surveying and mapping
19.履行特殊、优先责任 fulfill its special and primary responsibilities
20.进一步大幅、实质削减核武库 further making drastic and substantive cuts to its nuclear arsenal
21.土地退化零增长 zero net land degradation
22.荒漠化土地和沙化土地面积“双减少” reduce both desertification and sandification
23.中外荒漠化治理合作让绿色绵延在越来越多国家的地平线上 The cooperation between China and other countries in combating desertification has made more countries greener.
1.能耗强度 energy intensity
2.能源供给 energy supply
3.能源国际合作 international energy cooperation
4.充电基础设施体系 Charging infrastructure network
5.可再生能源 renewable energy
6.能源绿色低碳转型 a green-oriented transition of energy
7.可持续发展 sustainable development


Mr. Kevin



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