《兰亭集序》the Preface of the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy
《愚公移山》the Foolish Man Moving Mountains
《十面埋伏》Ambush on All Side
《春江花月夜》Spring Moonlight on the Flowers by the River
《百鸟朝凤》One Hundred Birds Serenade the Phoenix
篆、隶、草、楷 the seal, official, cursive and regular script
笔、墨、纸、砚 brush, ink, paper and ink slab
唱、念、做、打 singing, recitation, acting and acrobatic fighting
说、学、逗、唱talking, imitating, fun-making and singing
汉学圈 the Circle of Chinese Language Learning
书圣 Sage of Chinese Calligraphy
楷书四大家 Four Great Regular script Masters
文房四宝 Four Treasures of the Study
颜筋柳骨 Yan’s tendon and Liu’s bone
人类口头非物质文化遗产 the Oral and Intangible Culture Heritage
联合国教科文组织 the United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization(UNESCO)
水墨画 ink-wash painting 美术 fine arts
跳火圈 jumping through burning hoops
木偶戏,皮影戏 puppet play & shadow play
相声 crosstalk 快板 clapper talk 小品 short play 变脸 face changes
单口相声 monologue、对口相声 comic dialogue、群口相声 group crosstalk
春节联欢晚会 China’s Spring Festival Gala Show
唢呐 ceremonial horn gong 锣 打击乐器 percussion instrument
弦乐器 plucked instrument 管乐器 wind instrument
temperament 性格,气质
disposition 性格,排列,布置
repel 排斥
pastime 消遣,娱乐
symmetrical 对称的
execute 处死,实施,制作
whim 一时的兴致,突发奇想
tranquil 安静的,幽静的
canonical 权威典范的,典型的
descendant 子孙,后裔
unison 一致
vulgar 粗俗的,俗气的
moth-proof 防虫的
acrobatics 杂技
footwork 腿脚功夫
repertoire 表演体系
falsetto 假声
agile 敏捷的,灵活的
farces 闹剧,滑稽戏
tumble 摔倒,暴跌
irritable 急躁的
imperious 专横的
treacherous 阴险的
villain 反派,恶棍
accomplice 共犯
girdle 腰带
stunt 特技,噱头
versatile 多面手的
trident 三叉戟
wicker 柳条
enunciation 发音
prop 道具
brisk 轻快的
comic skit 讽刺剧
manipulate 操纵
silhouette 侧影,剪影
pluck 弹拨,退毛,摘花
ambush 埋伏
obverse 正面
reverse 反面
mimicry 模仿
plectrum 弦乐器的拨子
flute 笛子
boa 蟒蛇
hexagonal 六角形的
walk of life 身份,职业
in an effort to 致力于
come into being 形成,开始存在
come to prominence in Tang dynasty 在唐朝声名鹊起
characters whose size are in-between 大小介于两者之间的字符
stone tablet 石碑
flourish from ... onwards 从...起一直兴盛
from the 11th century onwards/ from the Yuan dynasty onwards
shift their interest away from 转移他们的兴趣
have tremendous influence on later generations 对后代产生巨大的影响
be known to every household in China 在中国家喻户晓
to do things with perseverance and to defy difficulties坚持不懈,不怕困难
under the jurisdiction of 隶属于,归...管辖
is considered one of the three ... , with the other two being ... 三者并称
over time 久而久之,随着时间的推移
the crown of Chinese opera 中国戏曲的桂冠
heroic forest outlaws 绿林好汉
firmly uphold justice 坚决维护正义
be consistent with 与...一致
facial makeup and costume 面妆和服装
on the verge of extinction 濒临灭绝
be popular among the broad masses 广受欢迎
there are more than 600 plays in the repertoire of Henan Opera 在...作品中
evoke sentimental emotions 唤起感伤的情绪
play a dominating part 占主导地位