二、阅读理解:江梦南: 在无声的世界里吹响嘹亮的号角。感动中国十大人物之一。你觉得,你和我们一样,我们觉得,是的,但你又那么不同寻常。从无声里突围,你心中有嘹亮的号角。新时代里,你有更坚定的方向。先飞的鸟,一定想飞得更远。迟开的你,也鲜花般怒放。
三、阅读理解: 首批居民自测新冠试剂盒来了,在家也能检测新冠。
四、阅读理解: 两会热议:在两会期间,世界各地的人们都在谈论中国.那么Z世代最关心的问题是什么呢?
五、阅读理解 聚焦2022年政府工作报告。
七、阅读理解 两会热议:加强电子废旧物循环利用
八、阅读回答问题: 冬残奥见证体育精神的盛放
For the past 20 years, the Touching China annual people award has ho
nored people from all walks of life across the country. They are people who warm our hearts with their actions. On March 3 2022, the 2021 Touching China Award ceremony aired on CCTV. Ten inspiratio
nal role models were on the list, Yang Zhenning is one of them.
When mentio
ning he greatest theoretical physicists in the world, Yang Zhenning is a name never to be forgotten.
Yang was born on September 22, 1922, in Hefei Anhui, China, and grew up in the peaceful and academical atmosphere of the campus of Tsinghua University. From a young age he had an interest in physics. At the age of 12, Yang showed his great ambition to win a Nobel Prize after being attracted by a book a
bout the unknowns of the universe.
With this goal in mind, Yang studied hard. After getting a master’s degree in Tsinghua University in 1944, Yang got the opportunity to further his studies in the United States. There he met another Chinese student, Tsung-dao Lee (李政道), who shared the same interests, and they often discussed the physics issues together.
In 1957, the two jointly proposed the theory of parity non-co
nservation in weak interactions (弱相互作用中宇称不守恒), which made a great co
ntribution to high-energy physics. o
nce the theory was put forward, it immediately caused a sensation (轰动) in the physics community.
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